“Un spectacle aux multiples facettes avec un jeu terriblement maitrisé dont la psyché parle et parle fort, mais en silence."
Bien Public, Dijon (France)

“Des airs magnifiques à l’accordéon et au piano viennent encore ajouter à la beauté visuelle. Des bruitages judicieux jusqu’à la lumière mordorée, tout est parfait.”
Le Journal de Saone et Loire (France)

"Breathtaking," "beautiful," "stunning," "moving," and "magical" were all words heard after the performance of Chronique des Sentiments”.
Smock Alley Theatre, Dublin (Irlande)

„Toutes les émotions sont fouillées, mises à nu, transgressées et dépecées."
Le journal de Saône et Loire (France)



Theater without words.


Idea, creation and performance by Yannick Longet and Maren Gamper

Director Matthias Dix


Scenographer Marc Brunner, Light Creation William Berne

Presse/Diffusion Adélie Sublet, Photos SFrezza/Le Dèd

Video Patrick Umhauer


The show opens in an old room where a loner lives.

His days are synchronized with the rise of the sun and the light of the moon.

His only companion is the portrait of a woman that hangs on a wall above him.


He stares longingly at the image until one day she seems to come to life and enters the stage.


From then on a love story unfolds marked by the rhythm of bodies and music.


In this performance, mime and classical music come together to give form to an array of emotions that would normally be fleeting, like trying to catch water in your hands.


Unlike theatre with spoken words, music and visual arts usher the audience away from rationality and into a vibrant imaginary world of emotions.